Meet Magento 2015
2015 Edition
Photos & After-Movie
Meet Magento Romania 2015 was held on October 5-6 at Grand Hotel Italia, Cluj-Napoca.
Check out the photo albums on Facebook and tag yourself and watch the after-movie on YouTube.
Meet Magento Association Updates
Thomas Goletz - Meet Magento Association
Magento Keynote
Bas Nawijn - Magento
Tangible cloud hosting benefits for merchants and solution providers
Roman Baluta - Microsoft
Business Track
How to transform transactional emails into sales opportunities
Stefano Lena
eCommerce Website Redesign Strategy - Incremental Changes or Full Redesign?
Marko Brisevac - Inchoo
E-commerce-ul din spatele magazinului virtual
Rodica Mihalache & Bogdan Colceriu
Brandul de angajator
Eliza Rogalski - Rogalski Damaschin
Your brain on... exercise
Razvan Ricci
Online Business For Small & Big Business: How to start, How to Win & How to avoid too much pain
Thomas Fleck - Blugento Germany
Helping the customer
Mihai Crăciun
Magento in the Interntet of Things
Kuba Zwolinski - Snowdog
How to make benefits with multi-channel customer support. Magic recipes for eCommerce.
Sergey Lysak - Eltrino
Gamification in eCommerce
Iulian Pădurariu
Startup roadmap
Marius Ghenea
Sexy Analytics for amazing Software people
Liviu Taloi
How to gain up revenue on Email marketing: TOP 10 triggered emails
Kristina Pototskaya
Parteneriatele - o tactică de Guerrilla Marketing
Călin Biriș
Technical Track
Magento 2: What it means for you
Ben Marks - Magento
Choose Chef! Choose high availability, consistency and speed!
Silvian Crețu
Magento applications and modules functional testing
Igor Bondarenko - Neklo
Remote debugging of Magento code - helpful tools
Val Hrykyan - Amasty
Magento 2: Checkout and Payments
Andrii Semenenko - Magento
Magento 2 as a CMS
Marius Străjeru
Load spikes reduced to normal: The full tech stack of our FPC
Constantin Bejenaru - Evozon
It's time to ditch the old school
Radu Chelariu
An up-to-date catalog search solution for Magento with Solr and Elasticsearch
Dan Homorodean - Evozon
Codeception tests for Magento
Alexander Turiak
Cooking with Chef in Amazon AWS
Silvian Crețu
Magento 2 ...
Marius Străjeru