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Meet Magento 2018

2018 Edition

Photos & After-Movie

Meet Magento Romania 2018 was held on October 15-16 at Grand Hotel Italia, Cluj-Napoca.

Check out the photo albums on Facebook and tag yourself and watch the after-movie on YouTube.



Magento Roadmap & Magento Association - Ben Marks - Magento

Magento Roadmap & Magento Association

Ben Marks - Magento

Sănătate pshihică - Echilibru emoțional - Ionuț Rada - RadaWay

Sănătate pshihică - Echilibru emoțional

Ionuț Rada - RadaWay

Business Track

What's being hidden in your Magento - Valentin Radu - Omniconvert

What's being hidden in your Magento

Valentin Radu - Omniconvert

Roundtable - Provocarile unui eCommerce startup în 2018 - Remus Lucuț, Mădălina Stănescu, Valentin Radu, Iulian Ghișoiu - Blugento

Roundtable - Provocarile unui eCommerce startup în 2018

Remus Lucuț, Mădălina Stănescu, Valentin Radu, Iulian Ghișoiu - Blugento

Google AdWords: Advanced e-Commerce Growth Strategies - Mădălina Stănescu - Optimized

Google AdWords: Advanced e-Commerce Growth Strategies

Mădălina Stănescu - Optimized

Set-up your PPC campaigns for success - Iulian Ghișoiu - Target Web

Set-up your PPC campaigns for success

Iulian Ghișoiu - Target Web

Leading a team in e-commerce agency - Ihor Furseev - Atwix

Leading a team in e-commerce agency

Ihor Furseev - Atwix

Protecția datelor cu caracter personal - Noul regulament. Tot ce trebuie să știi - Mihaela Cristea - Budușan și Asociații

Protecția datelor cu caracter personal - Noul regulament. Tot ce trebuie să știi

Mihaela Cristea - Budușan și Asociații

Technical Track

Write your code in efficient way - Andrii Kasian - Magento

Write your code in efficient way

Andrii Kasian - Magento

The 23 and 1/2 hour developer - David Manners - Magento

The 23 and 1/2 hour developer

David Manners - Magento

Panel - David Manners - Magento


David Manners - Magento

Design system - Creating a consistent UI for Magento store - Bartek Igielski - Snowdog

Design system - Creating a consistent UI for Magento store

Bartek Igielski - Snowdog

GraphQL: Mind your Ps and QLs - Cristian Partica - Magento

GraphQL: Mind your Ps and QLs

Cristian Partica - Magento

Some lessons learned contributing to MSI, the largest community-developed feature in Magento - Alessandro Ronchi - Bitbull

Some lessons learned contributing to MSI, the largest community-developed feature in Magento

Alessandro Ronchi - Bitbull

Oh my God everything is on fire - Andrew Howden - Sitewards

Oh my God everything is on fire

Andrew Howden - Sitewards

Dark side of Architecture - Valerii Naida - Magento

Dark side of Architecture

Valerii Naida - Magento

Game Changer for eCommerce - Vue Storefront - Open Source PWA - Bartek Igielski - Snowdog

Game Changer for eCommerce - Vue Storefront - Open Source PWA

Bartek Igielski - Snowdog

Using serverless with Magento - John Demian - Dashbird

Using serverless with Magento

John Demian - Dashbird

Migration from M1 to M2: How to increase your perfomance and decrease your headache - Ruslan Aharodnik - Neklo

Migration from M1 to M2: How to increase your perfomance and decrease your headache

Ruslan Aharodnik - Neklo

Cloud providers, tools and best practices in running Magento on Kubernetes - Adrian Balcan - MindMagnet

Cloud providers, tools and best practices in running Magento on Kubernetes

Adrian Balcan - MindMagnet

Using Magento Performance Tools to analyze and improve the performance of your code - Andrii Kasian - Magento

Using Magento Performance Tools to analyze and improve the performance of your code

Andrii Kasian - Magento

Tips and Tricks in Magento 2 data migration tool - Razvan-Marian Avramescu -

Tips and Tricks in Magento 2 data migration tool

Razvan-Marian Avramescu

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