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Meet Magento 2019

2019 Edition

Photos & After-Movie

Meet Magento Romania 2019 was held on September 26-27 at Sheraton Bucharest.

Check out the photo albums on Facebook and tag yourself and watch the after-movie on YouTube.



Magento Product Updates - Ben Marks - Adobe

Magento Product Updates

Ben Marks - Adobe

Magento's Data-Driven Future - Jonathan Roeder - Adobe

Magento's Data-Driven Future

Jonathan Roeder - Adobe

Aveți 5min să vorbim despre Dumnezeul nostru electronic? - Ovidiu Ionuț Eftimie - Times New Roman

Aveți 5min să vorbim despre Dumnezeul nostru electronic?

Ovidiu Ionuț Eftimie - Times New Roman

Business Track

Extinde-ți afacerea online în afara granițelor - Florin Toma - DHL

Extinde-ți afacerea online în afara granițelor

Florin Toma - DHL

Online Marketing - de la psihologie la deprindere - Eugen Predescu - Canopy Digital

Online Marketing - de la psihologie la deprindere

Eugen Predescu - Canopy Digital

7 secrete SEO la magazinele online Magento (de care probabil nu tii cont)  - Iulian Ghișoiu - TargetWeb

7 secrete SEO la magazinele online Magento (de care probabil nu tii cont)

Iulian Ghișoiu - TargetWeb

Winning the customer through cross-channel digital marketing campaigns - Claudiu Farcas - Arabesque Online

Winning the customer through cross-channel digital marketing campaigns

Claudiu Farcas - Arabesque Online

Set-up your PPC campaigns for success - Iulian Ghișoiu - Target Web

Set-up your PPC campaigns for success

Iulian Ghișoiu - Target Web

AI E-commerce Tenets - Elena Dobre - Zarbi

AI E-commerce Tenets

Elena Dobre - Zarbi

Deschiderea unei corporații către startup-uri - câteva produse românești care susțin creșterea magazinelor online - Monica Obogeanu - Orange

Deschiderea unei corporații către startup-uri - câteva produse românești care susțin creșterea magazinelor online

Monica Obogeanu - Orange

eCommerce & ERP - Automatizarea fluxurilor de business ale unui magazin online, folosind sistemul integrat ERP - Georgian Rosu - Pluriva

eCommerce & ERP - Automatizarea fluxurilor de business ale unui magazin online, folosind sistemul integrat ERP

Georgian Rosu - Pluriva

The SaaS era. Cum să-ți crești și să-ți optimizezi afacerea folosind instrumentele SaaS. - Remus Lucuț - Blugento

The SaaS era. Cum să-ți crești și să-ți optimizezi afacerea folosind instrumentele SaaS.

Remus Lucuț - Blugento

Technical Track

Magento API Evolution - Anton Krill - Adobe

Magento API Evolution

Anton Krill - Adobe

PWA, Separating features from solutions - Sander Mangels - VueStoreFront

PWA, Separating features from solutions

Sander Mangels - VueStoreFront

Setting Yourself Up For Success with Page Builder - Olena Tkacheva - Adobe

Setting Yourself Up For Success with Page Builder

Olena Tkacheva - Adobe

The long way from Monolith to Service Isolated Architecture - Igor Miniailo - Adobe

The long way from Monolith to Service Isolated Architecture

Igor Miniailo - Adobe

Taking VSF from Local Env to K8S Production & Operations - Adrian Balcan - Blugento

Taking VSF from Local Env to K8S Production & Operations

Adrian Balcan - Blugento

Delivering Magento 2 for a leading Polish home & deco eCommerce Home&You in 4.5 months. - Paweł Biliński & Maciej Sławik -

Delivering Magento 2 for a leading Polish home & deco eCommerce Home&You in 4.5 months.

Paweł Biliński & Maciej Sławik

I'm importing so you don't have to - Marius Străjeru - Arnia

I'm importing so you don't have to

Marius Străjeru - Arnia

Magento Deep-Dive - Anton Krill - Adobe

Magento Deep-Dive

Anton Krill - Adobe

Magento performance improvements tips and tricks - Alin Alexandru - Innobyte

Magento performance improvements tips and tricks

Alin Alexandru - Innobyte

Magento deployment into AWS - Irina Mărgescu - Dendrio

Magento deployment into AWS

Irina Mărgescu - Dendrio

Getting the most from Events? - Marsha Naidoo - Meet Magento New York

Getting the most from Events?

Marsha Naidoo - Meet Magento New York

Getting the best out of Magento with AWS - Cătălin Dumitraș - Pentalog

Getting the best out of Magento with AWS

Cătălin Dumitraș - Pentalog

Becoming a Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer - Victor Todoran - Evozon

Becoming a Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer

Victor Todoran - Evozon

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Blugento is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution built on top of Magento 1 and offers fully managed eCommerce solutions with state-of-the-art Cloud hosting.

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